Woodcote Primary School

Woodcote Primary School

Home | Year Groups | Year 3

Year 3







Welcome to Year 3!

A very warm welcome to Year 3! We are so excited to all be back together again and we are looking forward to the year ahead. We have lots of fun and exciting topics planned and cannot wait to see how the children progress throughout the year. 

At Woodcote we have four Year 3 classes: 

3J – Miss Jeffries

3B – Mrs Baldwin

3P – Miss Parsons

3H – Miss Gordon


  • PE days are: Monday and Friday 

(Please ensure your child comes to school dressed in their PE Uniform.) 

  • Please can your child bring a named water bottle into school every day along with their reading record.

We thank you for your cooperation and we are looking forward to a great school year!

The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Yearly Overview

We would like to introduce you to the Year 3 Curriculum, we are very excited about all of our future learning. We will be sharing the children’s fantastic work on twitter and Class Dojo please keep an eye out for regular updates! 

Yr3 Year Group Overview

Curriculum Letters

Yr3 Autumn 1

Yr3 Autumn 2

Yr3 Spring 1

Yr3 Spring 2

Yr3 Summer 1

Yr3 Summer 2

Learning Projects

Year 3 Autumn 1

Year 3 Autumn 2

Year 3 Spring 1

Year 3 Spring 2

Year 3 Summer 1

Year 3 Summer 2

IPC Unit Journeys

Yr3 Autumn 1

Yr3 Autumn 2

Yr3 Spring 1

Yr3 Spring 2

Yr3 Summer 1

Yr3 Summer 2