Woodcote Primary School

Woodcote Primary School

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Art, Design and Technology







Art and Design (Art) & Design Technology (DT)

Through the teaching of Art and Design (Art) & Design and Technology (D&T), children foster their sense of creativity and develop their imagination. Art and Design Technology provide visual, tactile and sensory experiences, enabling children to communicate what they see, feel and think, with different media, materials and processes. In addition, Design Technology encourages children to become creative problem solvers, both as individuals and as part of a team.  The children learn to take risks and make decisions to develop their own artistic style. They will explore ideas and styles through the study of a range of different artists and designers. By displaying and celebrating the children’s work, they become involved in shaping their school environment.

Art and Design (Art) in KS1 (Years 1 & 2) and KS2 (Years 3 – 6)

Art is taught through the IPC scheme which empowers pupils to learn through a range of media and styles: sculpture, collage, painting, photography, architecture, fashion & textiles, drawing, video and animation, printmaking and design. Through delivery of the IPC, learners will know about a variety of artworks and/or artists from first-hand experiences and other sources, representing a variety of styles and created using a broad range of materials/media. Learners should be able to manipulate a range of materials/resources including (but not limited to): wood, metal, plastic, paper, yarn, clay, fabric, paint, crayon, pastel, charcoal, ink, computer programs and recycled and natural found materials to create visual art. They will be able to view objects of art and use their observation skills to evaluate, create or recreate. Learners will develop an understanding of the reasons for the creation of art, sources of inspiration and how the creative process works for different artists. Learners will also develop an understanding of the difference between copying, being influenced by, and being inspired by other artists or art works. We  draw on a broad range of stimuli and resources from a range of traditions and culture to support teaching and learning in Art.

The National Curriculum for Art and Design (Art) aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • produce creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their experiences.
  • become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques.
  • evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design.
  • know about great artists, craft makers and designers, and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms.

Design and Technology (D&T) in KS1 (Years 1 & 2) and KS2 (Years 3 – 6)

The National Curriculum for Design and Technology (D&T) aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • develop the creative, technical and practical expertise needed to perform everyday tasks confidently and to participate successfully in an increasingly technological world.
  • build and apply a repertoire of knowledge, understanding and skills in order to design and make high-quality prototypes and products for a wide range of users
  • critique, evaluate and test their ideas and products and the work of others
  • understand and apply the principles of nutrition and learn how to cook.

As well as these, Woodcote Primary School aims to:

  • stimulate each child’s creativity and imagination.
  • give each child access to visual, tactile and sensory experiences.
  • develop each child’s ability to use colour, tone, shape, form, texture, pattern and different materials and processes.
  • give each child the confidence to select and use a variety of tools and techniques and to use them safely.
  • encourage each child to work with increasing independence as they progress through the school.
  • teach children to appreciate each other’s work through displays and discussions.
  • give children the knowledge and understanding of how art and design has shaped our history and culture.

Woodcote Primary School aims to ensure that children are experiencing a range of learning opportunities both inside and outside of the classroom to support the development of their learning skills and knowledge. Through developing pupils’ enjoyment, excitement and interest with enriching activities we are able build and encourage curiosity. Woodcote aims to deliver a challenging and ambitious curriculum to equip children with the skills, knowledge and understanding needed for their next stage of learning.

Curriculum/Scheme of Work

Woodcote Primary School uses the IPC curriculum to deliver the Art and Design Technology. Art and Design Technology is taught through cross-curricular half termly topics to support planning of a broad and balanced curriculum as well as through discrete teaching which focuses more on teaching key skills. The learning journey through the topic starts with an ‘Entry Point’, which is followed by a development of skills and knowledge from a range of curriculum areas. Learning is applied through an ‘Exit Point’ at the end of each topic where children can demonstrate and apply their knowledge and skills. Following the IPC curriculum ensures that we are providing good coverage across the subject and that children are building on their skills as they progress through the school.


The planning of Art and Design/Design & Technology takes into consideration what the children learn and how they will reach their end goal. Most topics cover several curriculum areas with a dominant focus. It is essential to use the ‘I can’ statements, topic rubrics, medium term plans and IPC learning goals as a starting point to focus on the knowledge and skills based on the objectives of the lesson. The units must be looked at as a whole throughout the year to plan and show progression of lessons. Teachers need to consider the specific needs of the children and their experiences in order to challenge and differentiate appropriately. When planning, teachers will need to consider opportunities for cross curricular links to build on prior knowledge or to apply and practise skills through discrete teaching.

Each theme follows the format of:

  • Entry Point – an activity to promote curiosity and generate excitement for the coming topic
  • Knowledge Harvest – to effectively address learning needs and influence the teaching approach, resources, scaffolding provided, grouping which may all help move the child from where they are now to the intended learning goals.
  • Research, Record and Reflect – a series of lessons relating to a range of subjects with explicitly signposted Learning Goals.
  • Exit Point – a purposeful closure to a unit giving the learners a platform to celebrate and feed forward what they have learnt.


Children are taught in mixed attainment groupings, allowing them to share ideas and to problem solve.  In some lessons, children are directly taught how to use specific media and techniques to create a desired effect.  Teachers also provide lessons that allow the children the flexibility to create a piece of work under an ‘umbrella theme’, where children are given a wider choice of media and techniques to allow children to develop their individual style.  Children are given the opportunity to reflect on, extend and refine their ideas in subsequent lessons.  Children will be encouraged to make their own choices so at the end of a series of lessons, there will be a range of different outcomes, not identical ones. They will be encouraged to make decisions about the scale on which they work and the materials they use.  Children are given time to explore and experiment with ideas and techniques, without the pressure of having to create a specific, ‘finished’ piece.  During each lesson, the children are engaged and motivated.  Teachers work with groups of children to support the development and refinement of different techniques.  Time is allocated at the end of each art lesson for feedback. Examples will be shown to the class and children are invited to give their opinions on the work. They are invited to give praise and give constructive feedback to try to identify possible ways in which the work could be developed in a future lesson. During Design Technology lessons, children are taught how to use tools correctly and safely. 


Art is a subject, which provides enjoyment for all children. Woodcote is committed to inclusion and all children are given the opportunity to access the curriculum through appropriate challenge and support.  Children are taught in mixed attainment groups to allow children to learn from one another.  SEN children participate fully in art lessons with teachers providing learning opportunities that are matched to their individual needs whenever necessary. Creativity is something which transcends academic ability, allowing all children to achieve in art at their own personal level.


Teachers assess children’s work in Art and Design/Design and Technology by observing them working during lessons. They assess the progress made by the children against the learning objective set and verbal feedback is offered throughout the lesson, whilst not compromising a child’s creativity.  Children will be given opportunities to evaluate their own work and the work of their peers.  Self-evaluation and reflection by pupils is key to the children’s understanding of their own learning and development of skills.  A record of each child’s achievement and effort is written on their annual report and may also be discussed at parents’ evenings. KS2 children each have their own ‘scrapbook’ to record their Art learning. This book is to focus on the process of undertaking their art work rather than solely recording the end product. The National Curriculum states that pupils should be taught ‘to create sketch books to record their observations and use them to review and revisit ideas’ therefore encouraging children to reflect on their learning and explore how to develop their work moving forward.