Woodcote Primary School

Woodcote Primary School

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At Woodcote we want our pupils to be able to communicate effectively. We believe that children should be equipped with the compositional, vocabulary and grammar skills to be able to do this to write the highest standards. We want our children to be able to write well for their intended audience and to know how to adjust the tone vocabulary and content of their writing to reflect this appropriately. Our children will be able to apply the conventions of a range of genres and to know when to adapt them. 


 To assist in the sequencing and planning of our writing curriculum we have adopted the CUSP curriculum. Here, each of the NC objectives for writing, spelling, grammar and handwriting have been broken down into smaller steps that outline the age-related skills required and ensure progression both within the year across them. Each year group has been allocated genres to be taught each term, which means that during the course of a key stage every child will have been exposed to a diverse range of genres and writing opportunities. The units outline the key grammar skills require to writ in this genre successfully and gives the children a clear model to analyse and emulate.  The curriculum is broken down into blocks which are mapped out in in medium term pacers. In addition to this, SLT reviews them annually to reflect any changes in the NC and to address the individual needs of cohorts.

Planning and Teaching.

 Before the writing process begins, children will need to be familiarised with the grammar skills required and to become familiar with a high-quality model text. By examining a detailed example that reflects their age and writing ability children will be able to repurpose the text structure, sentence constructions or vocabulary for their own writing. Where possible, links to learning in other areas of the curriculum are made to ensure that the children have experience of the subject they are going to write about.

Initially, the teacher will outline what the children are going to write and who the intended audience will be. Then, using the model as a guide, the teacher will highlight the key features that the children should be aware of. Children then create an outline for their own writing using text maps, boxing up or checklists. Once an audience and purpose for their writing has been established, the teacher will model-write an example reflecting on the features included and reinforcing the correct tone for the chosen audience. Some children will be able to use these strategies to move on to writing independently using their own plans. However, others may require additional support in the form of simplified text maps, sentence starters, vocabulary mats or further guided writing to assist them.

 As the children write, they should be allowed time to review their work at frequent intervals ensuring that they proofread for spelling or grammar errors and the use of writing partners should be promoted and time is set aside in the writing blocks to teach editing and proof-reading skills. Once this first draft is completed, children should return to their initial model for the text and reflect on their own work before completing an Ingredients for Success grid. The children self-review and this is is then reviewed again by the teacher to become part of the assessment cycle.

Each genre is revisited in each year group in Block B units as well as increasing in difficulty throughout the year groups.

At KS1

 Early writers need support to develop the key skills that will enable them to become proficient and so there will be a greater emphasis on handwriting, spelling and punctuation. All writing will be marked for this as a priority before the children are further stretched with the constraints of audience or genre. By the end of the key stage, children will be able to use simple models from reading as a frame for their own writing; attempt to write simple stories and poems with support and prompts and begin to re-read their own writing independently.

 Writing is taught daily during 20-30-minute sessions.

At KS2

 Once the key skills of handwriting, spelling and punctuation are secure and a child can write for meaning, they are taught how to adapt their writing for different audiences and purposes.

 Writing is taught in sessions of between 40 minutes and an hour depending upon the age of the children. Marking addresses the WALT and this covers the use of key skills and their application as well as considering how appropriate the writing is for the chosen audience. Revisions of the work done by the child is shown in green pen to indicate the process involved. By the end of the key stage, children are able to choose varied and ambitious vocabulary considering both the purpose and audience for their writing; write non-fiction which includes a relevant introduction and clear presentation of information with careful consideration given to the intended reader and be able to confidently combine elements of description characterisation, dialogue and action, in narrative structure to maintain a reader’s interest and move the action forward.

Writing Units - Long Term