Woodcote Primary School

Woodcote Primary School

Our School |Learning | Reception Admissions 2025

Reception Admissions 2025







We would love to show you around our school community and will be holding tours of our wonderful school, with an information session, on the following dates and times. To book a tour please complete the google form here

26th September 10.30am

1st October 1.45pm

10th October 10.30am

14th October 1.45pm

18th October 10.30am

7th November 10.30am

Saturday 16th November 2pm

18th November 1.45pm

27th November CANCELLED 6pm

28th November 10.30am

2nd December 1.45pm

9th January 10.30am

We look forward to showing you our school, but please do not hesitate to contact us at head@woodcoteprimary.croydon.sch.uk if we can give you any information in advance.